Monday, March 22, 2010

I'm back!

With the completion of Kakapo release-10 a while back, I've been focusing on compiler work again. I have to say, Kakapo is making it smooth.

The change to NQP-rx is causing all kinds of problems. Some of them are voluntary: I'm moving to attribute based classes, and I'm taking advantage of a bunch of features of the new -rx engine. But some of them are involuntary, like climbing the learning curve for how optable parsing works.

I put up a wiki page about that over on the trac site, but even after writing out a bunch of stuff, it's still not totally obvious to me how some parts work. That's part of the learning process, I guess.

One thing I'm doing somewhat differently now is testing. Before, I was writing tests for the compiler. Now I'm writing tests of the compiler.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Kakapo release-2

I released a limited version of Kakapo today. Then, I released again.

I created the release-1 tag, and felt good for a bit. Then I noticed that some common documentation files were missing, so I added them and created release-2.

Release-2 only provides the _base library, with PMC type extensions. But it's something. Documentation is over at GoogleCode:

Friday, February 12, 2010

There's more than one way to do it...

In the process of paying the taxes, I've come across one of the important classes in Kakapo that needs "updating."

In this case, "updating" means "complete rewrite," since I've got the new class system working. So I thought I'd show a before/after version of the code.


My taxes aren't paid yet.

That said, I've at least seen some forward progress under the new NQP. The change to not using :init on code at the top level means that I'm getting the chance to write more test cases for every ... single ... file in the kakapo library. And yeah, there's some "why the hell doesn't this work?" going on, as well.

I'm pleased to report that I have a working UnitTest system. It's modeled on xUnit, but the default also includes a TAP Listener so that test cases report as TAP tests.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

More snow .. err, code!

We got some more snow here in the northeast. Which means I've had plenty of time to code. Sadly, though, while I've been very active on Parrot's trac submitting tickets, I haven't made much forward progress. This was my tree at about 4:30pm.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Codin' weather


Well, the snowpocalypse is upon us, and I've got 15 inches of snow outside my front door. There's nothing to do (and not really any way to do it) until the Super Bowl tomorrow. Obviously, this is codin' weather. Hopefully I can get a Kakapo release in the can, and start back on Close development.